Jay Leno's anxious moment...
"God, I wish I hadn't seen that beauty," Jay Leno anxiously thought to himself, as he stood at the wings of his Tonight Show stage, waiting for his cue to appear on stage. He outstretched his arms to his sides, closer to his hips, rather than sideways like a make-belief airplane, then bent his arms a bit and pretended to jog-on-the-spot quickly.
Why was this world famous man of TV anxious? He had, to put it politely, a pistol-in-his-pocket moment. It was a mild case, but it would most definitely look odd, AND OBVIOUS, on TV. He was nervous. What can I think about... what can I think about to cancel out this state of semi-excitement, he kept asking himself. Aha, then he thought he'd think of his wife. Which he did.
Woosh! No more pistol-in-the-pocket. Just in time, too, as that's when John Melendez announced, ".......Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Leno!" As he happily hopped and skipped onto stage, Jay thought to himself, no more looking at car magazines before the show from now onwards for him! Instinctively, he then celebrity-slapped his audience's outstretched hands, greeted the studio audience and proceeded to focus on the cue cards!
The King, his family and U
2 weeks ago
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