The frequency of cases involving children causing the death of other minors is alarming, both in the magnitude of implications and viciousness of the acts. Here's a look at why there’s violence amongst children in Malaysia.
The duality of man has fascinated intellectuals through the ages. The potential for good and evil, or the capacity for right or wrong (and all the gray areas in between!) have been a rich source of man’s laws, literature and the arts.
Children, we had thought, were the cradle of innocence.
Two shocking recent incidences have jolted Malaysians out of their daily routines: the alleged murder of a seven years old boy by a 15 year old two weeks ago (in Kapar) and last week’s death of a 13-year old schoolboy who fell and hit his head on a cement drain during a fight with a 14-year old outside the classroom (in Bagan Serai).
To be sure, crimes committed by minors against other minors is a universal problem and countries around the world are dealing with this issue. When exactly children lose their innocence is a difficult question to answer but the causes are varied.
I spoke to some individuals to draw a clearer picture of what Malaysia and Malaysians are in for in these challenging modern times on the matter of violence amongst children.
“Children today are given much more freedom by their parents and this freedom, especially during their formative years is unhealthy. Young children should never be left to their own devices,”says S. R., a retired teacher who is in her 70s. She requested anonymity.
“Because of this lack of supervision, the young children have no concept of what is right or wrong and don’t have a balanced state of mind to know what is good or bad. The child’s freedom must always go with discipline, otherwise kids can go bad.
“Cases of violence amongst children demonstrates that these children have not been taught by the parents to manage their anger and deal with things in a calm way,” S.R. says.
Parental care and supervision, or rather serious lack of it, is high on the list of Datuk P.G. Lim’s observations. Lim, a lawyer and patron of the arts, agrees children must always be supervised.
Lim warns that a lot of harm can come out of the Internet, for example, if the young children are left unsupervised for prolonged periods. She is sure the Internet has an unwaveringly evil influence on children for the simple fact that the Internet can show violence in all its variations.
“Young children need guidance as to what they can see and what they cannot see. Children today see things they are not entitled to!”
Lim’s use of the word entitled is the most apt, as it illustrates the need for children to grow in maturity in order to earn their rights to greater autonomy over their freedom from parents.
Lim notes changes in parenting then and now.
“Previously, stay-at-home moms raised the children. Today, with women’s empowerment, the burden on women is heavier -- they have to bear the strain of managing children and work.”
Dr Chiam Heng Keng, commissioner at Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) and former University Malaya (UM) professor of social psychology, says that it doesn’t help matters that both parents have to work nowadays.
There could be a lot of frustration at workplace, Chiam continues, and sometimes parents bring the frustrations home.
“Since children seek attention in the various ways that they know how: by screaming and being demanding, the home environment becomes tense and unhealthy. As a result, the children have no role models on how to regulate their emotions,” she explains.
Adding to the problem, Chiam notes, is the fact that television shows demonstrate that aggressiveness and violence are acceptable. These become part of the factors why kids become violent.
Associate Professor Dr Stephen T. Jambunathan, consulting psychiatrist and psychotherapist at UM, explains that the matter of violence amongst children can be viewed from the age old debate: nature versus nurture.
“Violence is a learnt behaviour, depending largely on how the children are raised,” he says of nurture.
Dr Jambunathan quickly cautions that this observation must not be taken in the wrong context because then the parents of the boys will be blamed. There are other influences, including what’s seen on television and movie screens.
“The children’s level of tolerance (for violence) is compromised and they think that they can react in a way that’s not different from that depicted on TV or video games,” he points out.
What of kids who play violent video games but turn out fine?
“Because their nurture is balanced (via parenting, mentoring etc), these kids who are also exposed to screen violence, turn out normal,” Dr Stephen shares.
Chiam agrees: “In the case of well-adjusted kids, the home is stable and there are outlets for their frustration. They are able to talk to their parents, an older brother; aunts and uncles about what’s on their minds. Home has a modifying effect.”
Going back to nature affecting behaviour, Dr Stephen remarks that there’s a high possibility that these youngsters have developed in a certain way because of childhood onset psychological problems like Attention Deficit Disorder, Conduct Disorder (a younger version of an anti-social personality) or it could be because of an Impulse Control Disorder (no control over feelings and acting impulsively).
“When it is ‘nature’, it could arise from a genetic tendency, regardless of the environment and nurture. There is no racial predisposition for violence then as it’s a biological issue,” Dr Jambunathan makes clear.
Regardless of whether the violence is caused by the nature or nurture arguments, he says, “In most cases, it is not a one-off case. There’s a pattern of behaviour (e.g. temper tantrums, frequency of getting in trouble and disobedience).”
Early detection of behaviour reflecting a deep set of problems can be done in schools by teachers, he advises.
He echoes what lawyer Lim and former teacher S.R. said: that caregivers spend quality time with children and ensure proper guidance to ensure children learn in a positive way.
To create greater awareness of such children’s issues, Dr Stephen regularly talks to the public in schools and public forums organised by NGOs.
Social worker Amy Bala, 59, conducts plenty of workshops with children and understands the trials and tribulations faced by children today.
“Children today have lost their childhood and don’t have a lot of people to relate to. From our workshops for schoolchildren 13-17 year olds, we have found that children are always looking for friends, (personal) space and parents as friends,” says Amy.
Amy cites the past where children had facilities like playgrounds to play and mingle in.
In contrast to the freedom enjoyed then, kids of today can best be described as ‘latchkey kids’ (refers to situation where a child comes back from school to an empty home because parents are at work), says Lim.
S.R. too raises this point: “Today’s children are locked up in the house and they are playing with computers and this is causing a lot of trouble.”
Because children are left to their own devices, S.R. stresses that parents mustn’t be harsh with children and instead take the trouble to explain things.
On the whole, everyone repeatedly emphasised the need for greater parental supervision of children, especially during their formative years. Besides primary parental responsibilities, all interviewees agreed that schools must play a bigger part in instilling healthy social skills and values in children.
Sheila R., mother of three, says the power of social messages via TV and radio cannot be underestimated and the government needs to get seriously involved in this aspect of social conditioning.
“As a society, we have to treat the root cause of violence amongst children. It may be a long process and the results may only be seen years later,” says Chiam.
Lim’s comment also illuminates: “We’re evolving as a society and these are challenges we have to meet. Society today needs to break down barriers and look into possibilities of people working from homes. We have to cope with such challenges as a modern society and we have to deal with these issues.”
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Posted by
9:08 AM
Music videos for me, are a legitimate form of entertainment in their own right -- music videos are no more mere fillers to kill a few minutes here and there as one awaited the start of a TV show.
This creative art form with its rich visual treats can work wonders on the viewers when a good song is married off with a great video.
Take the band Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. They have a song called “Face Down” that has a fabulously blistering guitar work that’s absolutely delightful to me in a cathartic way.
It helps that the music video is very watchable with a good narrative, portraying youth and angst, two things very important to young people everywhere. Now, this is a perfect song to inject some life back into your life after a long day!
Of course, occasionally, you do accidentally bump into strange talents like the high-pitched wonder James Blunt. If I didn’t quite like his rendition of the suicide song “You’re Beautiful”, despite the fact that the lyrics was rich.
But his new snazzy song, “1973”, has a hip tune and a classy and highly watchable video that makes his singing bearable.
Occasionally, there are curiosities that pique my interest. The current curiosity is a songbird called Che’nelle who renders her single “I Fell In Love with the DJ” with a nice girly zest. She is borne of Chinese-Indian parentage in Malaysia (Sabah), grew up in Australia (which explains her spunky and vivacious personality) and is now based in New York. I confess
that I am partial to her song because she is a Malaysian-born girl. There’s still something to be said about patriotism with regard to seeing a fellow Malaysian’s success!
Oh, above all else at the moment has to be Fatboy Slim’s “That Old Pair of Jeans”, probably the most fabulous and life-affirming song there is at this point in time. The sense of delight you get from Fatboy Slim’s wise lyrics and the absolutely inspired video is amazing. You have to see it believe it! The video features a talented cheer-leader type girl who demonstrates an almost other-worldly ability to twirl the hula hoop. Sigh, if only all song were this good!
To brind the adrenaline rush to normal level again, there is the Plain White Ts with the saccharine sweet “Hey There Delilah”. I personally love this song although many have said it is too sappy for their liking. What can I say - I am a sucker for delusional young love! (For we all know that in real life, love is an overrated thing!)
For a bit of naughtiness, there is Rihana’s “Shut Up and Drive” for contrast. This beautiful girl from Barbados is turning out to be quite a watchable talent, taking risks with her image and saucy music video. “Shut Up And Drive” is a great follow up to
“Umbrella” -- both songs tend to stay in your mind long after you have heard them.
All of which bring us to the most talented singer songwriter on the planet today: Will.I.Am of the Blackeyed Peas.
He writes the most inventive lyrics in this day and age and has a knack for coming up with videos that are
both naughty and extremely nice to watch.
If only half of the other singer-songwriters were as talented as this gloriously gifted and unassuming man!
I am, of course, hooked on Will.I.Am’s super cheeky solo outing, “I Got It From My Mama”.
I mean, what else can you expect from the man who gave us the utterly scandalous and salacious “My Hump”
as performed by the sizzling Fergie?!
Will.I.Am deserves to go places in the pop world and indeed he has, with many successful collaborations with other artistes.
I can’t wait to get my hands on his latest album. Perhaps I would even be lucky enough to score an interview with this genius of a man one of these days!
Posted by
9:00 AM
Labels: Che'Nelle, Fatboy Slim, James Blunt, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Rihana, Will.I.Am
Monday, October 29, 2007
One of my favourite all time movies has to be The Frighteners. The film might be 11 years now - it was made in 1996 - but it has not dated and still plays well on the small screen (credit surely must go to the set- and costume designers, I am sure!), what with Halloween upon us now!
Directed by supertalented Kiwi director Peter Jackson (now of the Lord of the Ring trilogy fame), this film has an engaging script, wonderful special effects and a fantastic cast.
Starring Michael J. Fox as a widower with the ability to see spirits after a tragic auto accident in which his wife died. Fox plays a sad character drifting aimlessly through life while conning people into hiring him to rid their houses of spirits and hauntings.
Although he is a con, there’s something sweet and decent about Fox’s character and so it is not surprising that he is assisted in this otherworldly pursuit of ghostbusting by a band of friendly ghosts. It is quite funny indeed to se the antics he and his spirited friends get up to to make a few bucks.
As usual, when you mess around with the dead, you tend to make enemies and Fox does it fabulously well with a woman newspaper editor breathing down his neck, she being determined to show him off as the fraud that he is, and also a bunch of ghosts who are unhappy with his supernatural exploits of the unholy dead.
Trini Alvarado plays Fox’s love interest with a warm measure of heart and warmth.
As with any good supernatural flick, the baddies are suitably demented and creepy, wonderfully played by by the kooky Dee Wallace and the psychotic Jake Busey.
These two baddies give Fox and Alvarado a good run for the money. As the mystery of the increasing number of death in Fox’s quaint little town is solved, the adventure is heightened as Fox and his lady love try to defeat the Wallace-Busey tag team of terror.
The ride towards the end of the movie is edge-of-the-seat and nail-biting worthy and audiences will be pleasantly given twists and turns that will have everyone screaming and shrieking for more. Heaven knows that during Halloween, that’s exactly what everyone wants to hear.
Jackson to his credit has captured a cold and idyllic New Zealand (where The Frighteners was filmed) and condensed it into a suitably creepy smalltown.
The film is shot, scene-by-scene in a simple manner, but the special effects and scripting are inspired.
For a film that is more than a decade old, it is impressive indeed that the special effects have not dated. It still works well.
As for Fox, this film captures the nice guy in him beautifully. Fox now suffers from Parkinson’s disease, and this film was made five years after he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 1991.
If one watches closely, there’s a scene or two that hints at the disease slowly ravaging Fox but such is his adorable screen charisma that his performance is what you remember him most for in The Frighteners.
Posted by
8:24 AM
Labels: halloween, michael j. fox
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Ratings of stars' global star power...
The ranking is, of course, going to be contentious. There is no method to it other than the kinds of sentiments the stars generate when you see them on the screen or when you read something about them in print.
The top five Hollywood stars with unstoppable global audience pulling powers...
1. Adam Sandler - his comedy has universal appeal and he has a likeable persona on screen;
2. The Rock - his charisma is unstoppable and he has fun in playing his roles -- the audience can sense this;
3. Johnny Depp - probably the most bankable star in Hollywood at the moment because of the Pirates trilogy and his always-delightful collaborations with director Tim Burton;
4. Russell Crowe - his star muscle is much respected -- has to be careful about the director(s) he chooses to work with, though;
5. Denzel Washington - a very dignified and talented actor who takes his work seriously and whom the global audience respects;
Just out of reach of the top five list:
1. Samuel L. Jackson -- always gives delightful performances nowadays;
2. George Clooney - good looks, brains and great screen performances;
3. Matt Damon - made the best decision in the world to play Bourne, although his bankability in other films is yet to be proven
The top five women in Hollywood with global pulling power...
1. Angelina Jolie - edgy, dares to have fun with her roles, her beauty helps too
2. Cameron Diaz - girl-next-door charm -- although the charm is wearing thin with lame movie choices
3. Julia Roberts - she still has it and people just love watching her
4. Scarlett Johansson - beautiful actress with a reckless edge, somewhat like Jolie, which makes her fun to watch on the screen
5. Keira Knightley - delivers her roles with a suitable amount of performance fakery, which is perfectly fine with audiences
Tiresome woman to watch on the screen: Jennifer Lopez
Recent overrated Oscar performance: Helen Mirren for The Queen
This is the planets biggest "iffy" stars at the moment...
1. Will Smith -- he has been very fortunate with his cinematic choices which seem to miraculously work -- but, somehow, he exhibits a hubris that is a big turn off to many viewers (there's an air of the sanctimonious about this man)
2. Tom Cruise -- his star is slowly descending into oblivion thanks to his innate ability to turn himself into a joke, but clever movie choices and working with the right director(s) can keep his career afloat for a while yet
Box office poison...
1. Jim Carrey -- he transforms his characters into unlikeable people -- the flawless Eternal Sunshine of a the Spotless mind could have been a monster hit if someone else was cast in the lead
2. Sean Penn - a one-note wonder on the screen -- what a chore to see his performances!
Posted by
8:14 AM
Labels: Hollywood's global star power
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The night was getting colder and as everyone was walking faster, pants legs were rustling louder. That's when a small group of us, alighting from the metro, surfaced onto the street and walked past the dark alleyway. There was a loud sob coming from the alley.
We stopped, all of us wondering what was going on? We looked and as our eyes adjusted to the darkness, there was an old man seated on the cold alley path, with his back leaning against the wall. His knees were bent in the pyramid shape, feet flat on the path, and his hands, midway between the palm and elbow, rested on top of his knees.
One of the men who stopped, asked, "What's wrong? Are you OK old man?"
"I don't feel too good. I am weak and I can't go on," the old man in the baggy pants and worn trenchcoat said wearily.
The gentleman, then asked, with a sonorous voice, "Why? Aren't you getting enough converts? Aren't you getting enough of the humanity embracing your ways?"
The old man looked up. He had a look that indicated he wondered who the man was who spoke to him.
The younger man, probably in his 40s, stood with his back straight, but although his body was facing the direction of the old man looked away as he continued, "Why give up now after so long?"
That man suddenly stretched his right hand and a luminous spear suddenly lowered from his sleeve, he grabbed it instantly, clearly wanting to spear the old man.
I was closest to the threatening man and I saw another passenger, lightning fast, get a grip of his dangerous hand and weapon before the gentleman could launch his deadly spear. The grip was a solid one and with unearthly ease flung the suddenly ruby-eyed man and his spear away from the old man, across the road behind into the side of a building. The building shook when the gentleman's body hit it a second later.
The old man was shocked. He stood up. But the rescuer started walking away, nonchalant. As the old man asked repeatedly, "Who are you?", the rescuer just continued walking away and he didn't even notice that the old man was suddenly beginning to glow and the earth cracked under his feet. The rescuer disappeared just as quickly as he had appeared.
Posted by
8:38 AM
Labels: best short story, fiction, short story
U.S. disappoints...
U.S., Iraq, Turkey, Kurds and everyone's gobbling like a real turkey
I find it unbelievable that Turkey wants to make a military push into Iraq to "deal" with the Kurds. Excuse me -- but wasn't one of the main reasons why U.S. invaded Iraq, till then a soveriegn nation, was to make Saddam Hussein answerable for his atrocities towards the Kurds?
(The other trumped up reasons were the dubious link to Al-Qaeda that Iraq supposedly had politically and the utterly shameful fabrication of the weapons of mass destruction fairy tale -- and mobile ones too whhere the WMD were moved about in large trucks etc! Britain deserves a large portion of the blame for the Iraq invasion for supporting the fairy tale WMD claims.)
Why the double standards? Will U.S. now attack Turkey for its intended atrocities directed at the Kurds?
Posted by
4:06 AM
Labels: iraq
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Music video...
I have been watching Britney Spears' "Gimme More" music video and cannot resist but say what utter rubbish it is. The video is bland and devoid of ideas and Britney looks completely useless in it.
Music videos don't always have to have a narrative (just look at Sinead O'Connor's Nothing Compares to You) -- but it must always be driven by an idea. A brilliant idea like Michel Gondry's inspired direction of Kylie Minogue's "Come Into My World" is, of course, too much to ask. But even supposedly rambly ones like the brilliant video from Bloc Part ("I Still Remember") or the magnificent "Crazy" music video by Gnarls Barkley or even the very plain video from the Plain White T's ("Hey There Delilah") are a delight. It helps, naturally, if the song is good in the first place. Britney Spears' "Gimme More" is utter rubbish in every sense of the word. Bah! Has she really gone down the drain as an artiste?
Posted by
1:38 AM
Labels: britney spears, gimme more
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Movie review...
Resident Evil - Extinction is a very disappointing load of crap. Third time around, the soda pop that is the Resident Evil series has completely fizzled out. The storyline is lame and the acting all round is flat.
I knew the film would disappoint judging from the extremely lame trailer that was used to promote this third chapter -- that silly beauty advert that goes into a loop, shows the double helix and Umbrella Corporation etc.
Milla looks beautiful but the screen stunts (whatever she does, without the help of a stunt double) seem to indicate that her sell-by-date as an action star is seriously past due. Her enthusiasm for the role of Alice has also somewhat diminished - probably from having to go down the rabbit hole once too often!
The film's story indicates that the corporate men have completely destroyed the world with their T-virus and seem to be delighting in playing God, oblivious to the reality that they wiil have to live on the planet they are destroying. There's also the mad scientist thrown into the mix of egomaniacs who makes all the wrong moves.
Cliche after cliche are piled heavy with scenes that will make you think of Alien Resurrection or those fabulous George Romero Night of The Living Dead films. There's even a hint of the 6th Day (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and The Matrix when the filmmakers show us Alice's clones.
The uninspired Resident Evil - Extinction is one movie you're better off not seeing. A better idea would be to rent and watch the first and second Resident Evil movies.
Posted by
9:33 AM
Labels: milla jovovich, resident evil
Nobel disappoints...
I am very disappointed that the Nobel Committee has awarded Al Gore the now once-admired Nobel Peace Prize. In all these years that I have followed the Nobel Peace Prize, this year's winner has proved to be most undeserving.
Perhaps Gore winning the Oscar for best documentary for An Inconvenient Truth has a great deal to do with this.
There are far more deserving people who should have won the Nobel Peace Prize -- and it would have been perfectly fine if the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change had won the prize solo.
Shame on you Nobel.
Posted by
9:23 AM
Labels: Nobel Peace Prize
Friday, October 12, 2007
Oprah's private moments...
Oprah always loved her private moments. It was always a few hours before her TV show started when she would be in her dressing room, all alone. Her hair and make-up had already been done in the morning before she left the house and it will all be done all over again later before the show starts. Sigh, such is the trying life of a superstar diva, she tittered to herself girlishly.
Oprah loves these quiet moments because she sometimes came up with ideas that she would later discuss with the show's producers, comprising: "Me, me and me," she gigled like a giddy schoolgirl as she powertripped.
Such alone times were treasured by Oprah and all her staff knew that and they never bothered her during these moments. This is where she had the brainwave to give every audience member a car a while back, after all. And everyone in the industry knows that the ratings of her show went up all over the world because of that.
How spectacular can one of my entrances be for one of the future show, she wondered. Then, for some strange reason, she remembered the scene with Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge where Nicole was on a trapeze above the audience. "Perhaps I should be wearing a pair of beautiful fairy wings (I'll get Vera Wang to design it!), a little tutu and ballet shoes as I swing up above the audience, and when the spotlight hits me, I shall sprinkle fairy dust on the audience as they look up and gasp," she thought to herself.
She will save that idea for the week after Halloween. For Halloween, she wanted to surprise everyone.
"I will appear in a witch's hat, with ghastly rotten green teeth and unglamarous witch's wardrobe," she thought, with the left index finger fashionable poised at her cheek as she purposefully wrote it down.
"Then, I shall rip off the drabby clothes and the hologram that is precision-projected to make my teeth rotten shall be switched off and the hologram witch's hat will also be turned off as well and my usual glamourous big hair will be revealed as the audience applauds," the words ringed in her very big head and even bigger hair as she thought about them.
She would only settle for a hologram hat as she could NEVER EVER imagine messing up her fabulous big hair do.
Then, another brilliant brainwave hit her: perhaps she should get her dentist to embed teeny weeny little diamonds on her teeth so that when she smiled at the camera in the studio, they would sparkle and bedazzle. And...
*"Knock, knock!"*
Oprah was roused from her very, very private revelry and, having adjusted her plush robe, said, "Come in." Showtime was approaching.
Posted by
9:01 AM
Labels: best short story, oprah winfrey, short story
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Jay Leno's anxious moment...
"God, I wish I hadn't seen that beauty," Jay Leno anxiously thought to himself, as he stood at the wings of his Tonight Show stage, waiting for his cue to appear on stage. He outstretched his arms to his sides, closer to his hips, rather than sideways like a make-belief airplane, then bent his arms a bit and pretended to jog-on-the-spot quickly.
Why was this world famous man of TV anxious? He had, to put it politely, a pistol-in-his-pocket moment. It was a mild case, but it would most definitely look odd, AND OBVIOUS, on TV. He was nervous. What can I think about... what can I think about to cancel out this state of semi-excitement, he kept asking himself. Aha, then he thought he'd think of his wife. Which he did.
Woosh! No more pistol-in-the-pocket. Just in time, too, as that's when John Melendez announced, ".......Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Leno!" As he happily hopped and skipped onto stage, Jay thought to himself, no more looking at car magazines before the show from now onwards for him! Instinctively, he then celebrity-slapped his audience's outstretched hands, greeted the studio audience and proceeded to focus on the cue cards!
Posted by
8:59 AM
Labels: best short story, jay leno, short story, the tonight show
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Britney Spears' Halloween wish...
She was sitting in front of the computer in her oversized T-shirt, checking the blogs and had the TV switched on to CNN. There was an itch in her hair at the very top of her head and she gave it a very good, satisfying scratch. She made a mental note to wash her hair later.
The reason Britney Spears was glued in front of the screens was because she wanted to know what the court outcome would be - nevermind that she had a splitting headache from partying all night the night before. Would she get the kids or K.Fed, she wondered. Sigh! How she wished she'd not met up with Kyoto Hilton the previous night.
"That dang Kyot, because of her I snorted so much drug, my head is still spinning," Britney thought to herself, forgeting that she had also downed two bottles of Hennessy that her newfound pals -- rapper Filthy Sense and some pale white guy called Erm-Mean-Man -- had bought at the new club in town called Mamba Vroom.
Dang, I wish the damn CNN would stop looping the news so much: I am fed of seeing myself so much on tv, she thought to herself. She felt she could understand now why public opinion was swaying against her! Dang bloody media!
Then, finally, the announcement came, and as the CNN newscaster started talking about her, Spears increased the volume.
"Although Spears' attorney argued strenuosly on her behalf," the reporter went on to say, just then, Spears thought to herself, "Didn't I fire that attorney? Dang, I must have forgotten!"
In her still hazy mind she remembered that she'd just about fired everyone else before that. Either that, of everyone dumped her. She could not remember which way things had unfolded.
Anyway, when she heard that K.Fed got custody of her two boys, she dramatically fell to her knees from her chair and raised her hands, with tears streaming down her cheeks and sobbingly screamed out:
"Oh, thank you God!"
Let that dang K.Fed deal with the boys, she'd decided. WIth the glare of the media light on him let the hypocrite sing and dance to public opinion glory!
Hahaha, she laughed like a diva would, and answered her ringing mobile, " Hey, hi Kyots! Yeah, thanks babes!..."
Posted by
8:03 AM
Labels: best short story, britney spears, short story
My word, the world sure has changed a lot in the past few years. There I was in the discount store where they sell clothes that are deemed "product overruns" - and I discovered that I now have to buy sizes 'S' for a proper fit. It seemed like just yesterday that I was wearing 'L' sizes (or when I was feeling really really vain and reminiscing my belly-free days of youth and forced myself into 'M' sizes and held my breath everytime I wore 'M' apparels). Sigh. The gone are the good old days indeed.
Now, although I should be gleeful that I can get into an 'S' size shirt of T-shirt -- the reality is that the world has actually grown larger and there are so many obese people that clothes too have gone through a metamorphosis. People who should be wearing 'S' need bigger 'S's' (oops, pardon the pun!) nowadays.
But are the shirts any cheaper -- afraid not! Inflation doesn't care if you are wearing supposedly smaller shirts -- the material costs have gone up and more material is used to make these 'S' class shirts and Ts.
For people who remain the traditional sizes, then the place to go to get nice fitting clothes would be fashion labels, where thin is always in! Amen to that!
Posted by
2:33 AM
Labels: 'S' is the 'L'
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Hmmm. This is going to be a tricky topic. How can one talk of Britney Spears and not risk a whole lot of CROCK landing unceremoniously on one's head? But one must be brave in life and take risks - and I write this with beads of sweat trickling down my forehead, utterly fearful that Chris Crock will find this and send me a rude video or something!
(Don't believe me? Then, see this load of crock...)
Anyway, I have always had a soft spot for Britney Spears ever since she came out with "Hit Me Baby One More Time" in 1999. Here was a young girl, playing at being naughty and having cheeky fun at the expense of the morally righteous. Her songs have consistently done that for a while now. And then she suddenly got married out of the blue in (appropriately!) Las Vegas and got divorced real fast and, following that married Kevin Federline and had two kids.
Federline and Spears divorced and now custody of the kids has been given to Federline as Spears has spectacularly demonstrated what kind of a mother she would make with all her drinking and drugging. When I first heard that the judge had given custody to Federline, I thought to myself that it must be because of her bad performance at the MTV VMA! Jokes aside, young loves should never have kids. The only types of people who ought to have kids are those who have reached a certain level of maturity and sophisticaton in life (ala Angelina Jolie) or dullards like Gwyneth Paltrow and the Affleck-Garner pairing. The rest should steer clear of parenthood and spare the rest of humanity unnecessary drama.
Posted by
7:04 AM
Labels: britney spears
INTERVIEW magazine
I used to be a big fan of Interview magazine many years ago. I recently saw a copy at the newstand and remembered why I stopped buying it: they now increasingly have celebrities doing interviews with their fellow celebrities. Being an actor and pop star is one thing -- but to have them do interviews is a silly thing. Some are banal, most self-congratulatory.
Writing is a special thing and people whose calling is writing should be doing the interviews. That's why, as much as I adored Ingrid Sischy's enlightened editorial on each issue (towards the end of my Interview reading days, I was buying the magazine for Interview editor-in-chief Sischy's words and nothing else), I decided to not buy the magazine anymore.
Long ago, although there were celebrities writing for Interview, there were also writers telling readers about breakout stars and other creative types who are constantly pushing the envelope that we call life. That made the Interview magazines of old sensational reads.
Will those days come back? Anyone know?
Posted by
6:44 AM
Labels: Interview
Monday, October 01, 2007
Hey all you bloggers, is it true that if you mention Technorati or David Sifry on your blog site, Sifry will 'pop' by your blog? Is it true that Technorati tracks 107.4 million blogs? Wow - sounds impressive.
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8:14 AM
Labels: technorati
Yikes. For absolutely no good reason at all, now I feel really bad that The Donald has been left out of all my barrage of fictitious lists. (See below - Oprah Winfrey).
Anyway, to make up for it, Donald Trump is at the top of my list for The Most Creative Use of a Single Strand of Hair!
(Eat your heart out Rapunzel!)
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8:10 AM
Labels: Donald Trump
Oprah Winfrey bores me. What's that? Oh, I am not her target audience, you say. Thank goodness... hmmm, now this post is going to sound silly because of that. But am I going to let that stop me?
Miss Winfrey is on a list by Forbes which places her at at the top as the richest celebrity on television. (You have got to hand it to the Americans - if they are at the top of a certain list, in all probability they are also at the top of the same list on the global scale.)
Anyway, the amazingly already-rich woman is reported to have earned an estimated US$260 million between June 2006 and June 2007. That, by any measure, is a lot of money!
To help her along on the list-thing, I personally would vote het at the top of a list as the celebrity who has appeared in the most number of lists. Just to hellp her along, I would even create fictitious lists for things like Woman with Best Big Hair (Sorry Mizz Diana Ross -- WE KNOW IT IS A WIG!!!); Woman with the Best Website; Woman with Most Number of Celebrity Friends; (Only) Woman Celebrity Who Reads Books; Woman Who Has Said "You go girl!" The Most Number of Times; Woman Who has Made The Most Appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show; AND Woman Instantly Associated with a Big 'O' (you naughty girl, Oprah!).
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4:44 AM
Labels: oprah winfrey
Patek Philippe. Sigh! Probably the best watchmaker on the planet. Which is why I can never understand why the company opted for the utterly pretentious print ad campaign with the tagline: "You never actually own a Patek Philippe. You merely look after it for the next generation".
Everytime I saw the ad, targeted at men, I always say to myself, "Yeah, right! Who are you guys kidding?!"
C'mon, people buy the watch for themselves. Not for some pseudo-magnanimous-pretentious reason. I am sure that if a parent is rich enough to afford a Patek Philippe watch, then his child must surely be brought up in a material environment that would $uitably imprint the importance of education (or money!) in life and the child would mo$t probably -- barring karma or freak-of-nature-event(s) -- grow up to be equally rich (tran$lation: inheritance) or more $o and able to afford any timepiece he or she de$ire$.
Luckily, Patek's print ad campaign targeted at women has a more sensible tagline: "You don’t just wear a Patek Philippe. You begin an enduring love affair." Now, this is a more believable sentiment!
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3:03 AM
Labels: patek philippe
After the reign of the utterly unworthy Carly Fiorina and the leadership of an even less worthy Patricia Dunn, I must say that I had given up that Hewlett-Packard will ever rise as a powerhouse. But the company has indeed risen -- in a completely unexpected way: its television advertisement campaigns.
(Fiorina and Dunn are examples of plenty of reasons why a woman should not be allowed into a boardroom!)
Under the tagline "The Computer is Personal Again," and fronted by superstar personalities like fashion designer Vera Wang, filmmaker Michel Gondry and Brazilian author Paulo Coelho, a new kind of life has been injected into HP.
Each ad, like that for the personalities mentioned above, brilliantly showcase the forte and philosophy of each featured person. The use of special effects is top notch.
The ads are all visuall stunning and have managed to do something that all ads aspire to: create a fondness for the brandname.
Have a look at the ads at this website, if you don't believe me:
Posted by
2:44 AM
Labels: hewlett-packard