HOT TRAILERS (please Google these film titles to see the trailers!):
Jason Statham, the delivery man with the kung fu chops is back and the film looks as promising as the previous two. (In case you wondered -- I LIKED the earlier two TRANSPORTER films, myself being a sucker for B-grade-ish flicks!). So is the car -- the AUDI. The trailer gives the impression that the action is superb as ever and the stunts will thrill all adrenaline junkies.
Jason Statham is, possibly, a man with the most beautiful skull in the world of acting (never mind that his skin looks really worn -- he is a man and this kind of thing adds character to a man!) and he displays a fitness level and body that would make James Bond green with envy. My money is already on this! There's even a woman with a really thick fake eastern European accent to complete this delicious action package! Hooray!
This has all the trademark of a standard issue horror movie, except the acting looks good as does the cinematography. The special effects do try -- but are not spectacular.
The chills are not perfectly executed, from what I have seen in the trailer. The story is the same-old-same-old: moving to a new house, with a door that does not open, where some ghosthunting had taken place many years ago and where some people have disappeared/murdered. Oh, and where mysterious spooky things happen.
Ooo, I am very excited by this. PUSH looks like a very funky superheros movie. The leads have superpowers and they are determined to use their powers to rewrite the path being chosen rather forcefully for them. Chris Evan is the hero and he is supported by Dakota Fanning and a gorgeous Camilla Belle and they are up against The Division, a government agency, and the film looks like it has a good script and a talented director Paul McGuigan at its helm.
Oh, and the funky synthesizer sound in the PUSH trailer is a cool touch.
Ooo, again! This is yet another supernatural monster mash that has me excited. The werevolves and vampires are at each other's throats and it all looks like great fun. The lycans are fed up of looking after the vampires and that's the rise the title speaks of.
The special effects look like what we have been used to in the other two earlier UNDERWORLD films, the vampires wielding swords look like ballet dancers gone utterly bloodthirsty and the lycans fight like its the last full moon they will ever see! The stunts are balletic and gritty, with well-placed slo-mo to make the fights breathtaking.
There's a vampire-lycan love story thrown in for good measure. The blue-light night scenes continues this third installment of the UNDERWORLD film's seamless fit with the other UNDERWORLD films.
The grand old man of Hollywood -- Clint Eastwood -- is back with a movie that is a sure fire for the Oscars. I don't mean the movie is made with the Oscar in mind but GRAN TORINO is the kind of movie that is so superb in its direction and acting that the Oscar has no choice but to acknowledge that this is a superb piece or filmmaking.
Not surprisingly, Eastwood directed, stars in and produced GRAN TORINO. This is the kind of film that a legend makes!
Cliche. The trailer has no narrative whatsoever, and I fear the film will have no as well. The acting looks more wooden than the atmospheric forest.
A Madonna film? Seriously? The woman with no shame has directed this and it looks set to be cliche-ridden and an avenue for her depraved sense of life. There seem to be some far-out scenes that look vaguely interesting at a glimpse, but the fake Russian accent of the lead character and the put-on-in-your-face blase-ness about morality seems more than a tad phoney. Like Madonna.
Aah, an art-house friendly movie that says so much with uttering a single word. It is all plinkety-plonk piano and jangling guitars nicely accompanying scenes from the movie that visually narrate an attempt to start life in a new country and the ups and downs of love.
Quick. Someone tell Tom Cruise that he has lost relevance in the world of cinema with clunkers like this. If anything is ever so out of touch with the mood of the audience everywhere, VALKYRIE is it.
The script comes across as grandiose without purpose and the sight of bit part actors so clearly leaping on cue when a bomb blasts near them are so naff. For a period piece, the people look too good to fit into the Nazi era -- everyone looks like they go for fabulous facials on a frighteningly regular basis!
I adore Bruce Campbell. He has made many films. He does not take himself too seriously. He has beautiful comic timing and excellent comic delivery. And he has appeared in BUBBA HO-TEP, one of the most hilarious and full-of-heart Mummy movies.
In this film, Bruce plays himself (you know -- the Hollywood actor Bruce Campbell) -- and he is asked to help fight a Chinese monster. If the trailer doesn't have you laughing, PLEASE GO SEE A DOCTOR SOON!
MY NAME IS BRUCE is going to garner Bruce Campbell a great horde of new fans and truly elevate him to the status of B-grade God (it is a good thing, in fact, a VERY good thing, in case you wondered).
Brendan Fraser and Helen Mirren star in this fantasy about how a man and his daughter can turn things they read in a book into reality. Along the good, fun things, evil things are also unleashed by the duo.
A full-fledged Hollywood fantasy, based on a bestseller, the effects are impressive as are the cinematography. The acting looks suitably lightweight. Probably will turn out to be a jolly good movie, just as the trailer promises.
A gritty anti-Nazi movie set in the Nazi era, starring man of the moment: Craig Daniel.
But be warned though: the Bondest Bond of all gives a dose of Eastern-block accent that will knock you out if you go in unprepared. It is a story of vengeance against the Nazi cruelty. Nicely directed and well acted, with occasionally hammy lines.
OH WOW! What a spectacular collection of animation. Like the trailer announces: these six shorts truly do reinvent the meaning of terror. The talent on display are awe-inspiring and truly will make you kneel and bow down at the vision of the six animators. Sigh! I could go on and on. But do go and see it when the film comes out. A true animation masterpiece!
I confess I have not watched any Kevin Smith film before, but I must say that the trailer to Smith's latest directorial effort is priceless and worth its weight in gold!
The story is simple enough: Zack and Miri are two very broke and down-and-out friends decide to make a porno movie. The comedy in this film is very rich. Heck, the comedy is a Billionaire -- that's how rich and funny this film is!
Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks are simply superb in this movie. These two are probably the best and finest comedy actors in the world today! And that is an understatement!
Man-of-the-moment Daniel Craig stars here in what looks like an exceptionally well written and well directed film. There is clarity in the filmmaking and the acting is pitch-perfect.
FLASHBACK OF A FOOL has plenty of class and is hip. Both the present moment and the flashbacks are classily handled! And the story looks compelling.
As far as a masterful rendition of a vampire movie goes, LET THE RIGHT ONE IN is WAY, WAY, WAY up there with the best of them. The trailer is beguiling. In fact the trailer is like a vampire, watching it is like leaning your head sideways so that the vampire can get the best bite of your jugular! Hmmm, nice...
Good looking youngsters in lead roles should set the hearts of teens and young-at-hearts beating wildly in this supernatural horror film. The trailer does not give away too much of the story away but what a delight everything promises to be. And the young actors are having the kind of fun making this film that would put A-listers to shame! Can't wait for the movie to open!!!!!!!
Ooo, this looks like a nice horror movie to sink your teeth into. It is about a spooky house and the usual bunch of fools (yes, yes -- two good looking couple! sigh) who get inside and can't seem to get out of it. The horrors look like from the good old days and the story looks gripping.
This is a fantastic two-lonely-people movie. The young leads, where the guy earnestly pursues the cold-fish gall is delightful. I think this is a promising movie and I'd definitely go see it!
The performances and directing look great.
Jean Claude Van Damme's initials are JCVD and that is the title of this film. JCVD is the kind of film project that shows Van Damme has a great sense of humor and, as we have all learnt in life, an ability to laugh at oneself is a priceless asset indeed.
Expect people to rush to the cinemas to catch this Van Damme flick. In Asia, where Van Damme has a larger following only second to Arnold Schwarzenegger (OK, maybe Van Damme's third -- behind, possibly, the aging Sylvester Stallone as well) -- expect his legions of fans to sing praises. The trailers shows a film that humanizes Van Damme to a likable everyman!
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Monday, November 03, 2008
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5:44 AM
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