The world is very short of people with character and two people who showed us all that character in indeed alive and well in some of us are Vanessa Hudgens and Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso.
Hudgens, was in the spotlight many months ago because nude photos of hers surfaced. She meant the photos for her boyfriend Zac Efron and it was unfortunately leaked onto the Internet.
Asked recently if she was embarrassed about it and if she would have changed anything if she could, this brave young actress said she would not change a single thing!
As the success of High School Musical 3 shows -- the audience don't really care about the nude photos.
As for Taro Aso, he is from a very rich Japanese family. Recently, he was criticized for going to expensive restaurants to eat and drink at night. The man bravely stood up and said it was his own money and he could eat where he wanted to.
Naturally. He can eat any place where he damn well pleases.
The only thing people should be criticizing him, if there was any basis, is if he was not doing a good job as a country's leader. In Aso's case, the financial crisis was not his doing. He is obviously doing his best to deal with the crisis with his fellow Japanese politicians.
It is good to see people having a bit of spine in dealing with the overly moralistic public and media. Sometimes, honestly, you have to look people in the eyes and ask, "Who the hell do you think you are -- taking the moral high road with me?!?"
(Photo of Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron)
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Thursday, October 30, 2008
Posted by
9:25 AM
Labels: High School Musical 3, Japanese, taro aso, Vanessa Hudgens
"Omigod! I swear if that old bastard says he fought for the country again, I will go veteran on him! For God's sake -- IF I WAS AS OLD AS HE WAS, I'D HAVE BEEN IN EVERY GODDAM WAR THERE EVER WAS, TOO!!!!!!".... these were the thoughts going through Barack Obama's mind as he sat down with his staff in the room given to him and his staffers before the second presidential debate.
No one said anything. It was one of those moments where Obama demanded silence -- not by using words, but by simply gently raising his index finger (with the thumb sticking up straight just so, like a slanted 'V', apart from the index finger and the other three fingers bent just so slightly -- all at a slight angle) at the person who was just about to say something.
His staffers knew that Obama sometimes needs some silent time before a big occasion. Through the expression -- a frown that brought creases to his forehead or an internal smile that lit his eyes from inside or a look of uncertainty or anger... he was obviously thinking of things and mulling about them.
"That old bastard called me a socialist! What about that stinked-up plan of his to bail out homeowners and letting them stay in their houses? Isn't THAT socialism?! What a moron that old bastard is! All he is going to do is screw things up and ruin this glorious nation of ours exactly as Bush did!"
"He is old and disrespectful! At this stage of the elections, is there a need to be disrespectful?"
Hmmm, Obama reflected on something... "Looking back, I suppose I was slightly mean to Hillary as well. I should not have been. I will not listen to my advisors the next time they suggest I take potshots at a fellow Democrat! I should have put my foot down! I wish I did. All that mudslinging between me and Hillary really did no one any good! I should have nominated her as my running mate. That would have made things easier!"
"But God is not a believer in making things easier. HE wants us all to earn our keeps and places in this world! And I sure as hell will do all I can to take America back to the days of her glory!"
Sir, we have to take our place near the stage. It's time, his aide told him gently.
(Barack Obama portrait shot by Martin Schoeller.
Photo of Obama seated from New York Times)
Posted by
8:56 AM
Labels: Barack Obama, best short story, best story, new york times, President
Oh wow, indeed. Barack Obama is featured on the cover of the November issue of Men's Health magazine in the U.S.
It just goes to show that Obama is getting endorsements from every imaginable segment of society.
From his early days of the U.S. Presidential election when he appeared to have been on uneven ground as he battled Hilary Clinton for the top spot in the Democrat camp, he has come quite a spectacular distance indeed today.
Clearly, he is a very likable and charismatic man whom the whole world is rooting for. He holds the great promise of bringing great change all around the world.
I am putting all my support and goodwill on Obama's side and hope this promising politician will reach the very top of the U.S. politics.
Bravo Obama for being the great man that you are!
Posted by
8:34 AM
Labels: Barack Obama, goodwill, Men's Health, promising, support, U.S. president
Sunday, October 19, 2008
DANIEL CRAIG appeared on Jay Leno recently and he came across winningly as a man who is a credible James Bond. He was natural and came across as a dignified man. On Leno's show, aniel Craig had on a modern looking arm-sling for a shoulder injury and he also spoke of the injuries he suffered on the set of the latest bond film, Quantum of Solace.
The clip shown on Jay Leno's The Tonight Show promises an adrenaline-pumped Bond outing! Bet it is gonna break records during the opening week!
Posted by
9:48 AM
Labels: 007, daniel craig, james bond, quantum of solace
MCA 2008 election results, where Malaysia's high profile Chinese political party got an overhaul says plenty about the Chinese community in Malaysia. It was especially gratifying to see Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen and Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek appointed to vice-president and deputy president posts.
Friends who are close observers had loudly proclaimed that if these two candidates lost, it would have been the handiwork of the "two brothers in Mca." Obviously, the MCA members would not have any of that and the capable candidates prevailed. What the MCA 2008 election results shows is that Malaysian Chinese are progressive and firm believers in the concept of dissent and the power of criticism, from top-down. The results also point to the path that, thankfully, capability takes centre stage over personal problems.
People are not interested in posturing and moralizing -- when the reality is that in life, sometimes, things do not go according to plan in people's personal lives. What is most important is that the quality of work and high standards are maintained in one's work. A willingness to fight for the greater good is also a more important quality to have in one's politician.
Another interesting things about the MCA website where the MCA Central Committee Election Results are posted (, is the fact that the results just carry names of the victors and candidates. No titles, no airs, no pretensions.
This page implies that MCA is not interested in tripping over titles. The ability to serve and do one's work well is most important.
Posted by
8:37 AM
Labels: chua soi lek, election results, MCA, mca 2008, mca central committee, ng yen yen
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Politicians should seriously think twice before opening their mouths and saying stupid things about equal rights and such. The present generation of people in power are very stupid and have no finesse whatsoever when it comes to sensibly talking about one another's rights.
If these non-mingling types (how many MCA politicians have good friends who are Malays or Indians? And how many can actually speak proper Malay?) had bothered to mingle around and work hard at establishing inter-racial friendship, they would realize that Malaysians in general just want to get along and get on with life.
I have had the privilege of going to numerous Hari Raya Open Houses and have also had to, sadly, attend a funeral when a dear friend lost a family member, and it was obvious that people really do want to just get along with one another. People are happier just getting along with one another and sharing ideas and opening their doors to friends.
Somewhere along the way, we lost sight of the richness of our collective abilities to get along and fell prey to politicians' scare tactics of racial problems. It is about time we told Malaysian politicians to get their act together!
Posted by
11:11 AM
MCA 2008
ASTRO AWANI's Analisis AWANI Khas (1am-2am) was an excellent discussion about the MCA 2008 Party Election. It had a good panel discussing the MCA 2008 Party Election and the outcome of the important MCA election.
The discussion was expertly handled by Nazri Kahar, Suhaimi Sulaiman and Kamarul Bahrin Haron. These three young men have a good sense of the larger picture of Malaysian politics as well as the trends that are governing as well as constantly forming in the political arena.
They had two guests who spoke Bahasa Malaysia very well, and the more impressive of the two panellists was easily Dr Sivamurugan Pandian. Dr Sivamurugan spoke eloquently and sensibly in Malay of the dynamic force that drives the Chinese community (a characteristic that makes the Malaysian Chinese community the most dynamic force in the Malaysian society! -- these comments in bracket are my own opinion). The Chinese, said Dr Sivamurugan, are looking for capable leaders who are committed to their roles as community leaders.
Somewhat sadly, the other panelist, Dr Ong Hak Ching - a political analyst -- and very reflective/representative of the older generation of Malaysian Chinese was the standard issue old-school MCA mouthpiece who was more than a tad wishy washy and apologetic-for-no-good-reason. His comments were sometimes rather grating and off-the-mark. It was obvious Dr Ong had no desire to ruffle any feathers in MCA's upper echelons, whatever he imagined the upper echelons to be in his mind. And it was an utter chore to listen to some of the rotten rubbish he spouted during this otherwise good programme. Dr Ong should not be invited to any more Analisis Awani programmes, if you ask me!
On a completely positive note, I must say that hosts Nazri Kahar, Suhaimi Sulaiman and Kamarul Bahrin Haron are representative of the very dynamic young generation of Malaysians who are more intellectually inclined and constructively curious about the goings on in the progress and affairs of the other races and these three young men put a wonderfully progressive face to the present generation of Malaysians who are going to determine the direction that our glorious nation is going to take.
These three men are curious and, even more important than that, very interested, in the larger tapestry that is Malaysia. All media movers and shakers and progressive types must build up these three excellent young men to be larger than life power brokers and make them potent arbitrators on the stage of Malaysian politics.
Bravo Astro Awani!
Posted by
10:16 AM
Labels: dr sivamurugan pandian, kamarul bahrin haron, mca 2008, nazri kahar, political analyst, suhaimi sulaiman
Friday, October 17, 2008
Oh, if you ask me, the immorality pervading the global financial community has a face (and more important: THE IMPETUS!) in the form of United States Vice President Dick Cheney.
Dick Cheney's involvement with Halliburton getting contracts in Iraq after the US invasion of Iraq and Cheney's continued denial of his link to Halliburon makes a mockery of the ideas of morality, accountability and conscience that normally govern other human being.
That unreprimanded Cheney greed factor, observed by other corporate leaders, has given the corporate types the impression that they can do anything with impunity and reinforced the idea that they can get away with anything.
The public's awe of "celebrity financial whizzs" (people who make an insane amount of money -- never mind that the money-making methods are not morally sound) combined with the blatant greed (and utter lack of accountability) displayed via Cheney by the Bush administration has surely led to the state of the financial crisis today.
There are many other strains that have also directly led to the financial crisis, but if you look at Lehman Brothers' collapse and the rest of the domino effect of the "Cheney-immorality fallout", I am sure the immorality and double-standard that the Bush administration seemingly endorses can be built into a somewhat convincing case as one of the basis of the present financial cirisis worldwide.
Picture of Dick Cheney by Lawrence Jackson for AP
Posted by
8:58 PM
Labels: dick cheney, halliburton, us vice president
FINALLY! French President Nicolas Sarkozy is rising to the occasion and gaining some serious credibility as a leader with his EU-concerted effort to deal with the 2008 financial crisis.
Yes, Sarkozy -- do the job you were elected to do. We are not interested in how loving the relationship is with your new wife Carla Bruni is. (Or how hot Carla Bruni really is! She just is!)
I, like the rest of the world, was utterly disgusted by the lie Sarkozy told the electorate just to secure his election results (i.e. Sarkozy and his ex-wife Cecilia pretending their marriage was good when it was actually over during his final election push that successfully landed him the French Presidency).
Politicians need to know that the public are not really interested in their sexual escapades and carnal shenanigans -- the electorate only wants to know that politicians will do a good job serving the people.
Luckily, Sarkozy has left Carla Bruni behind as he goes about busily dealing with the financial crisis and dealing with fellow EU politicians as he should be!
Picture of Nicolas Sarkozy, ahem, climbing up behind Carla Bruni by Khaled el Fiqi for EPA.
Posted by
8:21 PM
Labels: Carla Bruni, cecilia, EU, financial crisis, financial meltdown, global financial crisis, Nicolas Sarkozy
It is interesting to see British Prime Minister Gordon Brown rise to the occasion as the global financial markets crumble under the weight of human greed and misguide drive to profit blindly.
Gordon Brown's method of nationalizing the banks in UK has been widely applauded and even the United States -- very, very reluctantly (shame on you for being so obnoxious Paulson!) and potentially bringing a greater sense of transparanecy and accountability into the world of banking is to be admired.
The present global crisis has saved Gordon Brown's career and he is shining in his role as a leader. All his experience from being the chancellor of the exchequer in the past is coming to the service on UK brilliantly and the world is able to see what a fine and brilliant technocrat Gordon Brown truly is.
Photo of Gordon Brown from AP.
Posted by
9:53 AM
Labels: financial meltdown, global financial crisis, gordon brown, Paulson, prime minister, united states
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
One of the world's most famous economist, Paul Krugman has won the Nobel Prize in Economics.
His victory has cast a fresh light on Tun Daim Zainuddin and Tun Dr Mahathir as the duo carried out Krugman-esque protective measures to shield Malaysia from the 1997 economic crisis that gave almost all other Asian countries that mattered a financial whiplash. Malaysia rode through that crisis having taken its own self-prescribed bitter medicine.
Congrats Prof Krugman. PLEASE do read the excellent piece on Krugman's Nobel victory at:
Photo of Paul Krugman by Dan Deitch from:
Posted by
6:12 AM
Labels: Nobel Prize, Nobel Prize in Economics, Paul Krugman
I can't wait to write a short story about Cuban ex-president Fidel Castro... but before that I must point out some of the more intriguing things he has said in recent times in relation to the US Presidential elections. He basically said of Barack Obama's survival thus far -- LITERALLY! -- things that are in the minds of millions of people around the world who know too well what is going through the minds of white supremacists in the US.
Here, read the following report from:
HEADLINE: Castro says it's a 'miracle' Obama hasn't been assassinated
HAVANA: Former Cuban president Fidel Castro charged that American society was marked by "profound racism" and that it was a "pure miracle" that US presidential hopeful Barack Obama has not been assassinated.
"Profound racism exists in the United States," Castro wrote in a commentary that appeared on the website Cubadebate Saturday as he weighed in on the US presidential race ahead of the November 4 election.
"Millions of whites cannot reconcile in their minds with the idea that a black man with his wife and children would move into the White House, which is called just like that -- White," he wrote.
He added that it was a "pure miracle" the Illinois senator, who became the first black politician to win the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, had not been assassinated thus far.
The ailing Cuban communist leader, who handed power to his brother Raul earlier this year, described Obama as a politician who "has the habit of looking at his opponent with serenity and laughing at his rhetorical attacks."
Castro's comments came as a war of words with racial undertones marked the US White House race after civil rights icon John Lewis accused Republican candidate John McCain of sowing "hatred" against Obama, who is developing a commanding lead in opinion polls.
Castro also mocked McCain's poor grades at the naval academy and said Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin "knew nothing at all about anything."
(These most excellent photos are from the venerable New York Times' online edition. To see more Castro pictures, go to:
Posted by
5:55 AM
Labels: Barack Obama, cuba, cuban, fidel castro, Mr Blackwell, new york times, white supremacist
I have never been so furious as I was when I read the Sun's report today about Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng saying, "If a particular area is reclaimed, the foreshore and sea bed cease to exist factually, physically and legally... Therefore an argument that foreshore and sea bed will always exist, regardless of reclamation or otherwise, cannot hold water. In our view, the foreshore/sea bed cease to exist upon reclamation."
What utter crap! The statement not only shows that, as a leader, Lim Guan Eng does not have his heart in the right place as far as respecting the environment is concerned, but it also shows how easily he is manipulated by one-sided legal advice and does not see the larger public interest (of public ownership of places) as important.
One thing about Penangites that Lim Guan Eng needs to know is that we are against high-handed public officials. The rich and poor mingle freely in Penang because every thoroughbred Penangite knows that the being decent to one another and being fair to everyone we meet is a basic tenet in life.
(That's why if you bother to open your eyes and observe Penang drivers, you will instantly see that they think nothing of giving way to cyclists and motorcyclists on the road or stopping their cars/giving way to let other drivers from small lanes etc get into the flow of traffic.)
That slight socialist-communist bent in Penangites that makes true Penangites be decent to one another and having a ready smile for one another is what sets us Penangites apart from Malaysians from other states.
Lim Guan Eng needs to pay very close attention to the last two paragraphs of the Sun news report: "The purpose of the proviso (i.e. the National Land Code 1965) is to protect the coastal land by keeping it in permanent public ownership through the state," one lawyer said, continuing, "When a party gains freehold tenure of such land, it prevents the public and the state from having it back, except by paying for it at market price."
In the same report, kudos to Batu Uban assemblyman S. Raveentharan, a practising lawyer, who profoundly asked if future generations of Penangites would be able to enjoy beachfronts if the coastal areas become locked by reclaimed lands under freehold tenure.
Lim Guan Eng just weakened his political party's foothold in Penang by one big notch. If Barisan Nasional had any strategist worth his salt amongst them, they'd start capitalizing on this, in line with their aspirations for the next general election. (And no, please do not do this via that disgraceful, unlearned and worthless racist of a human being called Ahmad Ismail!)
Image of that most beautiful and character-rich tropical island called Penang from
Posted by
4:43 AM
Labels: foreshore, penang, penang chief minister, penangites, seabed
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Yup, here is a photo of Queen E in the flesh, looking happy. She endorsed Lucien Freud's portrait of her, in case you wondered.
Photo of Queen Elizabeth is from
Posted by
12:08 AM
Labels: lucien freud, portrait, queen elizabeth
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
God Save the Queen!
The more I look at the paintings of Lucien Freud -- only through books and the Internet -- the more convincing is the argument that he is the greatest living artist of this modern ear.
My personal favourite is of course, Freud's painting of Queen Elizabeth, the present Queen of England (no, contrary to what most people think, Elton John is NOT the queen of England.)
Have a look at Freud's painting of the Queen (Elizabeth, I mean) and see for yourself. It was pianted between May 2000 and December 2001, with the Queen herself indulging Lucien in many sittings to allow him to best capture her in his brush strokes.
Lucien Freud is the grandson of Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. Lucien is based in England, where he has lived since 1933. Lucien was born in 1922 (Dec 8) in Berlin.
Posted by
11:51 PM
Labels: berlin, elton john, england, lucien freud, psychoanalyst, queen elizabeth, sigmund freud
"God, this had better be good! It is 3am!!!" Liz Lemon screamed into the phone.
The unknown caller assured her, "Mizzz Lemon, it is most definitely worth your time! Trust us!"
"Who is this," Liz demanded, as the mystery started to get on her nerves.
"What we are about to ask you to do is patriotism of the highest order... what we are about to ask of you involves our national security...," the caller said, cleverly pacing himself for maximum dramatic effect.
If nothing else, he knew what a sucker Liz Lemon was for conspiratorial things and he was determined to milk it to the max.
"Ooo, tell me more," she demurely said, after pausing for a few seconds. "I am all ears..."
"Mizzz Lemon... we want you to step into Sarah Palin's shoes!," the caller said.
"Are you crazy?" Liz immediately shot back. "Are you insane?.... Anyway, how would you know if the shoe fits?"
"Mizzz Lemon, we cannot risk having a stupid woman like Sarah Palin possibly running this great Republican nation of ours! We will handle her capture, you don't have to worry your pretty little head about that. What you WOULD need to do is be at the place and the time that we tell you to, to make the switch!," the stranger went on.
The audacity of the suggestion silenced Liz for a few seconds. Which is an eternity, actually, if you knew Liz at all.
"And as for Sarah Palin's husband Todd..." the caller said, before he was immediately interrupted.
"DO I GET TO SCREW HIM?" Liz immediately shot back. "God, say YES! Say YES, dammit!" This single woman in New York was beginning to lose it. Her hormones were raging wilder than the Niagara Falls, worst even than the Brazilian forest ablaze from forest clearance!
"Yes, you will get to do that.... but on condition.... FOR GOD'S SAKE WOMAN -- STOP JUMPING UP AND DOWN ON YOUR BED!... thanks, that's better... as I was saying, on condition that you push through policies that we tell you to... Oh, dammit..." the caller cussed as he was distracted by some background noise.
"Oh my God -- is that Colleen's voice in the background? Jack, is that you?" Liz demanded.
"Don't be silly Mizzz Lemon! Of course it is NOT me."
"Hey, it IS you, Jack. Jack you son of a gun! I knew I recognized Elaine Stritch's voice in the background..."
"Stay in character Lemon! The name is Colleen Donaghy, not Elaine Stritch, THANK YOU! Yes, mother, I will get you your vodka lime... sheesh... that woman is like a Elvira, the walking dead and Godzilla all rolled into one!"
"Jack Donaghy! I can't believe you woke me up at this ungodly hour to play a prank on me! But I must say the voice distorter I got for you for your birthday yesterday works really well. I didn't recognize your voice at all! You almost got me! Hey, how come your mother's voice still sounds the same...?" Liz characteristically said.
"That because this woman is not of this Earth, that's why! YES MOTHER, I AM GETTING YOUR DRINK NOW! HOLD YOUR HORSES -- if you haven't devoured them yet!.... Gotta go Lemon. See you at work tomorrow!"
1. 30 Rock cast (publicity shot)
2. Liz Lemon & Jack Donaghy photo from
Posted by
11:40 PM
Labels: 30 rock, best short story, colleen donaghy, elaine stritch, jack donaghy, liz lemon, new york, Republicans, sarah palin, short story
Thursday, October 02, 2008
"OMIGOD! Those are the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen! They look stunning. Did anyone else have green eyes in your family?"
Esther was a medical student, going out of her way to come see me that evening. She was intrigue by me. Earlier in the day, she'd come visiting a houseman -- junior doctor Mark who was her senior in college.
"No, no one in my family had green eyes. Everyone had brown eyes," I replied. I've had the questions directed at me so many times, but what my parents had taught me, always stayed with me: to be respectful of people. And that included answering questions (even those asked repeatedly, by different people, all the time) I'd realized that dealings with people deserve a level and decency and thoughtfulness lacking in this modern world.
"Hey Esther! Good to see you again! I see you are intrigued by my favorite patient!" Mark joined, and pulled up a chair next to Esther's.
"Hey you!" Esther said as she looked up and smiled. "I couldn't resist asking him about his green eyes! I hope you don't mind."
"No problems on my side. You have to ask the patient himself!" Mark replied.
"You're gonna be bored doc. I am going to repeat the story again," I told Mark.
"You're anything but boring," Mark diplomatically said.
"The eyes were initially brown, but it is a combination of unhappiness, chemical pollutants and plain old envy that have changed my eyes and, even my heart," I began.
Unlike most youngsters, I entered the world with a mighty sense of optimism about the goodness in people. But as I grew up, I began to see that people were not nice.
Naturally, I gravitated towards people who were like minded. I loved my friends and cared about them as they did love and care for me. But at work, as in the real world, you can't run away from people who are not so nice. You are walking on the street and someone might have had a bad day and that touches you in the way they walk in front of you, cut across you on the sidewalk -- whatever. Other people's vibes will come bearing down on you.
As an escape, I immersed myself in my work.I became quite good at what I did. It was a nice escape. But it didn't last long. Bad people can come and be part of the place where you work. Bad people, when they are also stupid -- that is a lethal combination! It is worse than good people who are dumb!
The bosses, in cutting costs, bought a building in a bad neighborhood that was a chemical plant and put us there. From industrial use, the building was peopled by office workers almost overnight.
Many of us complained of not feeling well. We were falling sick at the workplace. People were coughing throughout the day in the office. I pointed it out to the bosses. Coughing all day long is not normal! But no one listened. They didn't care.
I was becoming an angry person. And having tired of trying to get management to listen, I gradually felt envious of others who worked in safe places. Others, who made noise and were heard. I am a writer. I worked in the media. And every time I saw other media people, I wondered what'd it be like to work in their organization. But I had this thing called loyalty. Obviously, it was not worth anything.
People in other countries in the media were well taken care of. You see them on TV, and they are well paid, well looked after by their employers. You can see it from the joy they have in what they do... you can see it in their eyes. Why couldn't we be like that? Why are writers here not respected? Why are the writers here not built up to be all that they can be, like in those western countries?
The bitterness just kept growing. And one day, I before I knew it, people remarked about my green eyes. And after years of having worked in that toxic environment -- at 35, I had to go for a heart surgery. Particles in the air had clogged my arteries in my heart. And when they cut it open, the heart, they were shocked to see -- was green in color.
I sued the company, of course. But all those bastards who never did anything, never lifted a finger to investigate my complaints are dead. The toxins had gotten to them to.
Now, I am finding my soul again. I have started writing again. An I am here for my check-up. The doctors here keep me for a few days for tests and observation.
And that is how I've met you both wonderful people -- Mark and Esther! Good people are coming back into my life and I have again begun to feel the goodness that so filled me in my younger days!
"Sorry Mark, I tried to go through the story as fast as I could!" I said apologetically.
"Hey, never say that -- I am with you on this!" he said.
"I am glad you've gone back to writing again! I love your writings! I grew up reading your articles in the papers!" Esther said. "I'm so sorry, but I just have to touch you! My friends and I adore you!" she added, as she held my hand tightly.
"Hey, I saw him first! He's my friend!" Mark said, looking at Esther in a mock-territorial manner. Both laughed and had youthful, toothy smiles on their faces.
That is what life is all about, you know. The chance to be happy is so precious!
Image, cropped from a piece done by artist Roy Lichenstein
Posted by
2:01 AM
Labels: best short story, short story
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
It is interesting to see Warren Buffett go on a shopping spree as the markets are very, very low. He is an entrepreneur with deep pockets and he knows a bargain when he sees one and knows how to capitalize his funds.
So far, his legendary Berkshire Hathaway has invested US$3 billion in General Electric this week and US$5 billion in Goldman Sachs last week.
Photo of Warren Buffet from
Posted by
10:02 PM
OMIGOD! What's wrong with me? She has not made any sound to attract my attention in 30 seconds! What is she doing? What's more important than me? NOTHING! Nothing is more important than me!
I'd better go see what she is up to? Oh, I'd better be nonchalant! Don't want the old girl to think I am desperate... I know, I will lick the back of my shoulder. Mmmm, that's nice. OMIGOD! If anyone could read my mind, they'd think I was speaking at bullet-speed! It'd be their own fault anyway -- they must pace themselves like an elegant cat if they want to read these thoughts of mine!
Yes, slow down when reading this human jottings of my thoughts.
I know, now I shall splay my legs and lick my bottom! Hmm, no more of that new cat food for me. I must boycott it next time she puts the filthy thing in my bowl Oh, time to sit up and clean my face. Left paw first... one, two three.... wipe, lick, wipe,lickwipelickwipe! Now, right paw.... Ok, I think I look nice and clean now. I am ready for the old girl now. I shall move soundlessly as only us excellent cats can... aah! there she is!
Shit! She's staring at the light box again on the table... ok, ok, must jump up... take up position... hesitate... take pre-leap pouncing position again... GOD! I am getting old!!! Ooomphff! Voila -- I am on the table!
"Hello there my little pussy cat! Where have you been sweetiekins? What do you want my little munchkins! What does baby want from mommy?" -- God, I wish I could understand what she is saying. But I like the tone of her voice. Sounds like she still loves me!
Iloveyoutoomummsiewumsy -- everytime I try to say that, it comes out as a pathetic, "MEOW!" Oh, well, I'd better start purring now... puuuuuurrrr! puuuuurr!
Ok, I must sit for second and look at her now and slay her with my impressive doe-eyed (gawd! --- why am I always referencing all these other animals!) look. Ok, now to stand up, tail upright, and walk towards her. Oh crap, this open lightbox cramps my style. I shall walk on the buttons now! Ooooooh -- this thing is nice and warm... I think I shall lie down here for a while! Mmmm...
"Sweetiekins! How is mumsie going to read her Sunday papers on the internet if you insist on lying down on my laptop keyboard like that? C'me here you bundle of joy! Let mommy kiss you! You are a naughty little baby boy Mister Tyler!"
Puuuuurrr! Puuuuurr!
Never fails -- every time!
The illustration is from the cover of the excellent graphic novel book by Joann Sfar, called "The Rabbi's Cat"
Posted by
9:26 PM
Labels: best short story, cat, ILLUSTRATION, JOANN SFAR, laptop, short story, THE RABBI'S CAT