The most beautiful outcome of the recent general election is that it shows that Malaysians are coping rather well post election. The various victorious parties alternate to Barisan Nasional are finding their groove and shaping up well. In the meantime, the Prime Minister is showing how the political due processes work in the country and even he is learning that the power of the age old consultative style still prevails over threats and harsh words (especially against the palaces).
For these reasons, Malaysians have to monitor that politicians put in place a series of systems and processes that lets politicians do their work (or get booted out of office!) and the next batch of politicians (whatever their orientation be) can step in and do what they should do in the interest of the rakyat ad infinitum.
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Sunday, March 30, 2008
Posted by
4:42 AM
Labels: consultative, malaysians, palaces, prime minister, vitorious parties
Saturday, March 29, 2008
The new Angelina Jolie movie, WANTED, directed by Timur Bekmambetov, looks sizzling. If you like Tomb Raider and Mr & Mrs Smith, then you will want to catch this new Jolie flick as well. She brings her feminine charm and devil-may-care-attitude with spectacular style. The Russian director has an original sense of style and his vision of action is absolutely spectacular!
Posted by
11:08 AM
Labels: angelina jolie, Mr n Mrs Smith, russian director, timur bekmambetov, tomb raider
Friday, March 28, 2008
Our country Malaysia is definitely growing and maturing at a rapid phase now, post March 8 general elections. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim gave The Sun a spectacular interview on Thursday and by all means this man looks ready to lead the country again (if he isn't already doing it -- it is his swift and expert handling of the alternative front that handed this front the stunning victories it won and he is mentoring the newbies even as we speak).
By the looks of things, Anwar has matured beyond many people's wildest expectations as a politician and he has grown larger-than-life in his aspirations for Malaysians of all races. The Sun's interview spoke frankly about many things -- and Malaysians obviously have evolved into a more sophisticated society and are better able to deal with supposedly touchy topics in an admirably open and frank way.
I am looking forward to seeing the rise of Anwar.
Posted by
8:44 AM
Labels: anwar ibrahim, general election, march 8, prime minister
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Oh dear, CNN's "Tour of Prison reveals last days of Saddam Hussein" has to be the most tasteless thing that CNN has ever aired. The tone of the segment shown on TV is a mocking one -- mocking Saddam Hussein.
In Asia, we do not mock the dead. We do talk about the wrongs that people have done but that is about it. The gravity of the insurmountable evil that resided within Saddam Hussein, unfortunately, does not carry the same weight around the world as it does in the self-delusional Bush administration. Bush's invasion of Iraq (READ: HALLIBURTON's EXPANSION) is seen by the rest of the world as a violation of a sovereign nation. And now the Iraqi debacle has caused many innocen Iraqis to be killed and murdered as they get caught up in the swirl of viciousness from the lethal cocktail of patriotism and religion. Let's face it, the Iraqi's in the insurgency are neither intellectually sound or superior and their world view is a different one from that of most western-skewed intellectuals around the world.
CNN has badly misread how people are going to react to the CNN segment, which is in very bad taste.
Posted by
9:23 AM
Labels: bad taste, Bush administration, CNN, halliburton, resident evil, saddam hussein
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
As a Penangite, I must say that Lim Guan Eng is shaping out to be a good politician indeed. Yes, please focus on the well being of the people of Penang and do all you can to connect with the Penangites and you will be fine Lim Guan Eng.
I must take this opportunity to point out again that Koh Tsu Koon sold out Penangites with the hideous project called PGCC and everyone is happy to have kicked Koh Tsu Koon out of office in Penang.
Penang must always remain an affordable city for Penangites, with good basic amenities, cleanliness and public services. Anyone who tries to push Penang into the pit of materialism and potentially makes life in Penang unaffordable must not be tolerated.
Posted by
8:36 AM
Oh dear, it looks like China is creating negative publicity for itself by handling the Tibetan uprising badly. Violence against the Tibetans is unacceptable to anyone in their right mind. The Tibet in people's minds, thanks to the Dalai Lama's caring and loving demeanour, is a land with peace-loving people and to treat them harshly is unimaginable.
And, come on -- accusing the Dalai Lama of masterminding the uprising is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE! In the world's collective mind, the Dalai Lama is a peace loving man and to malign him in that way is a PR disaster for China. For goodness sake -- China's leaders need to be more savvy in dealing with the Tibetans than maligning the beloved Dalai Lama. I find it so shockingly simple minded -- the way China has gone for a PR spin that tries to tarnish the image of Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama is a man with an untarnishable image.
Posted by
8:22 AM
Labels: china, dalai lama, tibet, tibetan peace-loving
Friday, March 14, 2008
The biggest singer this year is going to be Duffy, thanks to her song Mercy. It has a cool video and the woman positively sizzles on camera. She sure knows how to work it for the camera.
She proudly takes after Amy Winehouse's throwback motown sound -- AND RUNS AWAY WITH IT!
Posted by
7:57 AM
Labels: biggest singer of 2008, duffy, mercy
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Things have taken a turn for the interesting in Malaysia following the recent general elections. The following are things that need to be said about the state of this wonderful country of ours.
1. Lim Guan Eng needs to calm himself down before he says anything stupid or does something baselessly drastic.
Yes, Guan Eng rightfully has taken over the pretty much useless Koh Tsu Koon as chief minister of Penang. Tsu Koon has pretty much NOT endeared himself to Penangites. How many times has he made trips to residential areas to talk to the rakyat to find out what their living conditions are like? And by endorsing the PGCC, life is going to be unbearably expensive for the Penangites who are struggling in life as it is. Who cares about the rich -- they can well take care of themselves. But the poor and marginalised MALAYSIANS must be looked after. ALL PENANGITES must be able to earn a decent living, eat safe and healthy food, have affordable housing (NOT SARDINE CANS DISGUISED AS LOW-COST HOUSING!) and have access to good health care and education. These things must be guaranteed. Koh Tsu Koon has not been impressive on these fronts.
As for Guan Eng -- all we can say is: get a grip! Becoming a chief minister is a big job. So, be big enough to accommodate the job. Whatever desire for revenge Guan Eng might harbour due to the unfair and unjust ISA treatment he'd received has to be put behind him. Guan Eng needs a larger perspective to be a good leader. And, Guan Eng not being a Penangite, he has to try extra hard to be successful at his job. We Penangites are very easy going -- but we are not very forgiving of follies.
2. Should the Deputy Prime Minister be priming himself to be the next leader.
This is a valid question as the recent election has shown that UMNO might be ready for a new leader. Of course, in accordance with the Malay culture, everything in its time. But, meanwhile, the Deputy Prime Minister should be positioning/priming himself for the top position. UMNO party elders are already looking into this, I am sure. And should one candidate fall short for any foreseen or unforeseen reason(s), then there must be others who could be moved up to assume leadership positions via the age-old and trusted process of "political osmosis".
3. Previous Prime Minister must also accept the fault for the Barisan's recent losses
Things in the country came to a head after somethings happened over the past two decades (or more!) through some faulty policies being implemented in the government (like the systematic 'ethnic cleansing' of the civil service etc), the utter neglect of particular communities that were driven to desperation all happened during the previous leadership of this country (which came surging to the surface late last year!). The weakening of the education system also took place at that time.
I see the present prime minister as a steward of the nation as it goes through a stunning transformation. And, to play it safe, stewards too need to be watched so that they fulfil their duties admirably. That is the beauty of the system of checks and balances.
4. The entire DOSH personnel need to be replaced for their neglect of workplace safety in a certain scenario.
Can a printing plant be converted into an office space? The answer to this question will affirm the status of the above statement (4).
Posted by
8:18 AM
Labels: deputy prime minister, hindraf, koh tsu koon, lim guan eng, marginalised, PGCC, prime minisster of malaysia
Friday, March 07, 2008
It is so good to see Hillary Clinton get back on track in the the American Presidential race. She won the Ohio and Texas primaries. It is a relief indeed that Hillary has gotten off the bitchy mode and is more focussed on issues (rather than slandering Obama). Let Obama play the dirty game of name calling and bury himself in the resulting avalanche.
Hillary should keep herself clean of this tactic and she will easily glide into the White House as I said she most definitely would earlier.
Posted by
8:18 AM
Labels: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton
Monday, March 03, 2008
Rock-Bottom Loser Entertaining Offers From Several Religions
MARCH 1, 2008 | ISSUE 44•09
FINDLAY, OH—Local resident Owen Pritchard's recent downward spiral into drug addiction, unemployment, and complete and utter hopelessness has sparked the intense interest of several top world religions, each of which is vying for his services as a devotee, the 39-year-old uncommitted prospective convert reported Monday.
"I've finally reached a point in my life where all the big religions want me," said Pritchard, whose two failed marriages and mounting gambling debts have left him penniless and in a state of blind despair. "Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism—you name it, they've come to me. I have no job, no family, no direction whatsoever. So right now, I'm totally in the driver's seat."......
......... click to the link to read the complete hilarious text. In case you have problems telling fact from fiction -- THEONION.COM is a social satire page and it is all a joke! (One can't be too careful with so many nutjobs out there nowadays!)
Posted by
8:28 AM
Labels: religion is for losers
Woohoo! Indiana Jones is back and Harrison Ford is looking OK for a really old dude (he is a 66-year old Jew!) and director Steven Spielberg looks to be in top form as the trailer shows! Go on, have a look at the trailer and see for yourself!
Indiana Jones 4's full title is IJ4: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and it opens in cinemas on May 22 this year.
Posted by
8:08 AM
Labels: harrison ford, indiana jones 4, jew, kigdom of the crystal skull, may 22, steven spielberg