The weather in China an now Afghanistan are totally screwed. Global warming is changing the face of the Earth. People should start being more conscious of the environment. AND THAT MEANS GOVERNMENTS HAVE TO LOOK AFTER THE INTEREST OF THEIR PEOPLE -- SAFER FOOD, CLEANER AIR, CLEANER WATER (which ties up with less toxic matter like pesticides and other chemicals in the environment - ESPECIALLY IN OUR FOOD!). The preservation of mother nature also has to go into high gear with more people planting trees and engaging in the very therapeutic activity of gardening or even spending time in parks and public gardens.
There has been many occasions recently also when the frequency of volcanic activities has been alarming -- from the U.S. to Indonesia to New Zealand. Something is brewing underneath our feet and we had better do something quickly about making peace with our beloved planet Earth. WE LUV YA GORGEOUS!!!!!!
The King, his family and U
5 weeks ago
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