The new year rolled on with a chill in more ways than one. While a real battle was being waged by Israel and Hamas against one another in the Middle East, Russia made Europe shiver in its boots in one of the coldest winters in the modern era by shutting off the precious gas supply that reached Europe by pipelines in Ukraine.
Russia had accused Ukraine of stealing gas that passed through the Ukrainian soil. Ukraine, of course denied any kleptomaniac tendencies.
But the interesting thing is this -- when the Russians launched a war on Georgia on the day that the Olympic Games was launched in Beijing, China, in August last year, those of us not on the receiving end of the missiles, tank artillery and other destructive firepower were perversely fascinated by the precision-timing of the war. Here was the world at that time distracted by the Olympic games and the attack on Georgia was akin to a stealth attack on the unsuspecting in the quiet of the night. The whole world sat up momentarily and looked at Russia's action -- but the pull of the Olympics was far too great.
However, that assault on Georgia was also a time when the world saw hints of the real man behind the power structure of the Russian regime: Vladimir Putin. There's something mesmerizingly ruthless about the man. His is a mien of a man who can be utterly unfeeling in felling others. I suppose a solid KGB training would do that to any man.
Putin is the Prime Minister of Russia and Dmitry Medvedev is the President of Russia.
Now, with the recent gas crisis -- it is very clear that the man with God-like power in Russia IS Vladimir Putin, without any doubt whatsoever. Mevedev is merely his puppet, meant to do all of Putin's bidding. But guess what? No one likes Putin at all anymore. Neither do people find him even remotely charismatic or fascinating as a leader. Through his actions, he has simply come across as an evil man who is unscrupulous and deludes himself into thinking that the time to strike is either when the world is distracted or the people are brought down to their knees by something or another (like the cold did the Europeans in December-January).
What has really set me off against Putin is the brutal killing/assasination of journalists and human rights activists in Russia. Putin is downright despicable, as far as the world's intellectuals are concerned.
Photo caption: Vlad the Impaler -- is that you PUTIN on the Ritz?
Photo credit: picture of Vladimir Putin from
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Friday, January 23, 2009
Is Vladimir Putin the most despicable man of the modern age?
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7:40 AM
Labels: assasination, coldest winter, Dmitry Medvedev, Europe, human rights activist, journalist, President, prime minister, russia, russian, vladimir putin
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What can you do but call a highly inspirational man like President Barack Obama THE INSPIRATION!!!!! This tall, elegant, eloquent, compassionate, very able leader is now the leader of the most powerful nation in the world.
Only great things can be expected from President Barack Obama. And we know he will live up admirably to all out aspirations and expectations. Sigh, what a historic day this is -- the day President Barack Obama's swearing in as President. It is a proud day indeed to acknowledge our humanity and what a great world this world can be.
Photo caption: President Barack Obama: truly the face of a new generation -- for the whole world.
Photo credit: Barack Obama portrait by Martin Schoeller
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8:05 AM
Labels: Barack Obama, compassionate, elegant man, eloquent, President Barack Obama, tall, The Inspiration, very able leader
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The euphoria that has been coming regularly every year is back again -- the 8th Season of American Idol is back.
The judges are at it again -- SImon, Paula, Randy and the new gal Kara RioGuardi -- continue to make American Idol highly watchable.
What American Idol does also -- besides unearthing an incredible array of raw talent -- is show the world the true face of America. And the true face of America today is a multiracial one.
Watching the show, it is obvious that the best that the world has to offer in terms of people have all migrated to the United States.
(Of course, America also has its fair share of weird and strange people and we get to see them on AMerican Idol also. Nothing's perfect -- America is not paradise! But I must add that the U.S. sure comes close to it, in terms of the opportunities given to people to be whatever they wan to be!)
Audiences also get to glimpse the world of families and friends -- there is strong bond between family members as well as friends and this year, there are multi-racial elements to friendships. America is truly akin to the whole world gathered in one place when it comes to the sheer magnitude of its diversity of people! And diversity, we all know leads to mixed marriages and it has been proven that kids from mixed marriages have a higher intelligence quotient than mono-ethnic kids.
Photo caption: Let's hear it for the judges... American Idol is back.
Photo credit: picture by Becker/Fox from
Posted by
5:15 AM
Labels: american idol, Kara RioGuardia, most popular show on Earth, Paula Abdul, Randy Jackson, Simon Cowell